23. til 26. maí skipulagði Slow Food í Hardanger mjög góðan og fróðlegan fund í Ulvik, um Bragðaörkina og Presidia. Aðstaðan, veðurskilyrðin, fjöldi þáttakenda (um 30) og móttökurnar voru til fyrirmyndar og fróðlegt var að skoða Ecomuseum um sider og gamlar tegundir af norskum eplum – þar að auki talar bæjarstjórinn í Ulvik íslensku!!
Við það tækifæri var stjórnarfundur í Slow Food i Norden og hér eru aðalniðurstöðurnar:
FROM THE BOARD OF SLOW FOOD I NORDEN – board meeting 25/5:
The second board meeting of Slow Food in the Nordic Countries took place in ULVIK (Norway)on the 25th of May, during the seminar organized by Slow Food Hardanger about Ark and Presidia products. The topics of the meeting were:
- SF Youth Network: agreement on the age limit of 30 and member fee of 10 € for 6 months, with a strong promotion
- Ark and Presidia products: form a national Ark Commission in Sweden, Denmark and Finland and make a plan for registration. A commission at the nordic level will be reated as a forum to exchange informations, but not to add a step in the procedure of registering products, which has to go from the national commission to SFI.
- Terra Madre Nordic og in Torino: the board needs to examine better the best way of promoting the Ark and Presidia products, either by a TM Nordic (with all the work it means) or in Torino.